Saturday, July 28, 2012

Villas-Boas Promises Core Player for Modric

Speculation about Real Madrid bid for Luka Modric has not yet been realized. Tottenham Hotspur's new coach Andre Villas-Boas said that the transfer of players is still stagnant.

"There is no new news about it until today, as well as new and better bids. Previous bid does not meet our expectations, "said Portugal's national coach.

The process of Croatia's international player transfer could have problems. Climax, Modric was reluctant to follow the practice due to his transfer is not realized.

Former Chelsea coach was still an opportunity for him if one day he decided to stay in London. Villas-Boas even without a doubt expressed that he would guarantee him in first team.

"When he decided to stay, he is one fantastic player for us. There is no doubt include them in our core squad, "Villas-Boas end, as reported by Sky Sports on Saturday (07/28/2012).

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